2024 Donation to Ecuador

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to again have partnered for the 6th time with Hope Christian School to support their Outreach program to Ecuador this June with Janira Tucker and Elohim USA . The Gift of Soccer Foundation worked with Rio Rapids Soccer Club and private donors to collect gear.
Hope Christian has been supporting outreach Missions to Ecuador for many years. Chaperones along with students travel to the jungles of Ecuador and provide much-needed support and materials to change the lives of many families. Efforts focus on and partnering with an Ecuadorian Non-Profit Group, Feecuador Elohim. They did their children’s program in two villages which was followed by their annual soccer camp and handing out shoes, clothing, and our soccer gear donations.
Quito Region, Ecuador – South America
Hope Christian School – Albuquerque, NM USA (Outreach Team)

Collection, Sort, Clean, Package
The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to partner with our local soccer club, Rio Rapids Soccer Club, and individual private donations sent to us from many different locations to support our mission. Our team organized and packed the gear for transport. We delivered the gear to Janira Tucker.

Members of Hope Christian High School’s Annual Charity Trip transported the soccer gear to Quito Ecuador.

Members of Hope Christian High School’s Annual Charity Trip transport the soccer gear to Quito Ecuador.