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The Gift of Soccer Foundation Giving Levels

The Gift of Soccer Foundation relies on your help and appreciates your donations.  All donations to the foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We acknowledge all donors for any of our programs.  We pledge  to use your donations and gifts in the the most efficient method to maximize the impact we can have on the soccer community.


Gifts for The Gift of Soccer Donors!

As a way to say “Thank You” we have some special items for our donors.

Gift of Soccer Donors/ Giving Levels

The Gift of Soccer Foundation thanks all of our individual and corporate sponsors for their support:

Caryle Woodard  |  Chris Gordon  |  Jason Moran  |  Andrew Levandoski
The Espe Family  |  The Herdegen Family
Roger & Stephanie Ford  |  Northern SC – Santa Fe, NM  |  RAA Imaging – Luis Centenera
21st Century Law – Bob Pampell  | Aspen Consulting & Accounting Services, LLC – Angela S. Davis – CPA  | Keeper Goals
Ken & Margie Levandoski


Corporate Sponsors 

The Gift of Soccer Foundation offers corporate sponsors the opportunity to receive advertising of their businesses in place of personal recognition of individuals for donations at various levels.

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is pleased and proud to recognize businesses for their support:

strategy | web presence | branding

LionSky Media

LionSky Media is an experienced business solutions company formed in 1995 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The key founders relocated to New Mexico after selling a multi-media company from Upstate New York. LionSky specializes in providing companies with creative solutions uniting cohesive media and relevant technology use to convey message and increase brand exposure in their respective marketplace. We focus on helping companies communicate their story and expand their reach; the company can then focus on their primary business mission.  LionSky provides companies with a strong web presence, corporate image/branding consulting, trade show marketing, and an overall marketing strategy. We bring all of the benefits of having a cutting-edge technology department without the overhead and management responsibilities.

Keeper Goals

Keeper Goals has been manufacturing quality sporting goods equipment, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for over 30 years. A Division of Demand and Precision Parts, Keeper Goals specializes in soccer goals, soccer nets, basketball poles and systems, bleachers, barrier netting, custom sporting goods products and more. We have partnered ourselves with select companies that share our commitment to excellence to provide durable and safe sporting goods equipment, for indoor and outdoor facilities, throughout the United States.



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